
Which Online Marketing Group Are You In?



I’ve communicated with literally thousands of people in the past 5 years about building an online business. I learned that most people all fit into about 5 basic groups.

Group 1

Out of every 100 folks who try their hand at online marketing, about 30 get caught up in a scam right off; they get frustrated in a few weeks and quit the whole thing. (or they get caught up in one or two more scams before quitting)

Group 2

20 to 30 more learn just enough to be dangerous and take a giant leap in the wrong direction. They get frustrated in a few months and quit too.

Group 3

20 to 30 more understand the process pretty well, but severely underestimate just how much work it really takes; they get overwhelmed/frustrated and will quit before any success comes their way. They simply were not willing to work as hard as is required.

Group 4

10 to 15 are stubborn enough NOT to give up and they keep trying. Most of these folks know quite a lot about the process, but their focus is off by a few degrees. Some in this group are bullheaded enough to keep at it for years without much success to show for their efforts. I admire their tenacity.

Group 5

That leaves 2 or 3 people out of 100 that are making more than a few hundred dollars a month. These are literally the “upper crust” of marketers when it comes to the percentages of those making any income at all. Many of them will move from a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars in a relatively short amount of time.

Which group you are in?

Once you decide, here is how I can help you:

Group 1

These folks are already gone and not reading this anyway. However, if you ARE still here, and willing to forget those “pie in the sky promises, let’s talk. But you MUST know that real Internet marketing takes a TON of work. Are you willing?

Group 2

You are in one of my favorite groups. You are willing to learn and work hard. All you need is some good direction and focus on something that can/will work. I can’t wait to talk to you!

Group 3

Sorry, I can’t help. You already decided it is too much work. Actually, at this point, you probably don’t even know the half of it…I’d stick with a regular j-o-b.

Group 4

Many of you are pretty “set in your ways” by this time. But you must take an honest look at your progress. What you are doing is not working that great. If you are willing to perhaps backup a little and maybe take a different turn here and there, I can help you.

Group 5

You guys excite me every time I talk with you! You literally have a world of opportunity right there for the taking. Let’s arrange a time to brainstorm together and move you onto that next level ASAP! Remember, if you are making just a few hundred dollars a month now, you ALREADY know how to make $1000/month…and so on!



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  1. Bob Taylor says:

    Hi Steve

    Been reading all of the great information you are sending over the years.

    I am in the process of filling out the form for a strategy call session and help
    in a new and better direction.
    I am in the 4-5 category and not set in my ways, just mist direction by others.
    Trying to work and learn at Internet Marketing 7 times a week and never quitting.

    Wishing you and your family a great Thanksgiving and healthy life every day.
    Talk with you soon.
    Bob Taylor, MN

Although I give away a LOT of info, I do promote some third party products that I use and find great value in.
Usually, I will receive a commission when these products are purchased from this site.
But as I said, I NEVER promote anything unless I find it valuable in my own business.