
Google Rankings: Focus on Content or Links?


“Should I spend more time on content or backlinks for my site?”

Boy, do I hear that question a lot!

I have to admit I have pondered that question myself in my earlier marketing days.  In those days I focused a LOT on links. I thought they were the answer to everything…more traffic AND more Google respect.

Now,  I have to say I focus more on content.  Sure, I continue working at backlinking but the majority of my focus is content. I don’t just mean written content; I mean video content too.

On the wall in my office I have a small sign that says, “How can I add more value?” I’ve learned over time that creating valuable content is what works for me best.

Here’s a video by Matt Cutts, the Google guru engineer. He addresses this issue of content vs. links from Google’s point of view.

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Categories : Marketing Tools


  1. Great content is definitely crucial…but getting a bit of help with linking when you’re starting out is also really important. Otherwise you’ll just be buried under 100s or even 1000s of other links and no one will have a chance to find your great content 🙂

  2. Steve says:

    Yip, for sure…the more competition there is, the more important backlinks are. Here is a link for those just learning about linking:

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