
5 Building Blocks For Online Success


The past year was pretty odd for me. It was more challenging than I was used to in a number of ways. But the Zen folks say that adversity and change are always required for growth. I lived it this year and do feel that to be true.

I absolutely believe there is a silver lining attached to every single negative that comes your way. It’s up to you to find it though. If you don’t believe in that silver lining philosophy 100%, you’ll forever be stuck with the negatives and never enjoy the growth and advantages life’s kruddy stuff brings along.

The krud in your life has good sides. But you have to uncover and find the good stuff it also offers.

Ok, let’s move on; I think you get my point.

Let’s talk about earning income online.

I speak with many beginning marketers and have a good “feel” for what’s required for their success. Following up with many beginners has taught me how to spot the ones who at least have a chance of success.

Basic and Required Factors For Success (in my opinion):

1. Completely non-technical people won’t make the cut. I define “non-technical” here as a mindset. None of this is rocket science; anyone can learn it…UNLESS there is a complete fear of technology. For example, some beginners are petrified by the wp-admin screen and simply can’t overcome it. My response to them is that there are other ways, besides Internet marketing, to make money at home. They need to explore other options they have.

2. Time is money in this business. Too often the scams have convinced people they can spend a few hours a week and build a successful business. Of course that thinking sells scams, but that is all. Many people simply don’t have the time required. They have a job, a family and not enough time to devote to the process. I won’t specify a minimum time here, but I can tell you, in the beginning anyway, 3 or 4 hours a week won’t cut it.

3. Those most likely to achieve success down the road are NOT strapped for cash. When someone tells me they are laid off and need to learn Internet marketing in order to make their coming house payments, I encourage them to find as many part-time jobs as they can for now. There is simply no way to learn this stuff and make it all come together if you feel that much pressure. It’s not paint by numbers; your head has to be in the right place to fit the pieces together correctly.

4. Successful people enjoy the “process” of Internet marketing. No, none of us like 100% of all the tasks involved, but we have to enjoy 90% of it. Otherwise, the very difficult process of building an online business is simply too much work for those who do not enjoy the process.

5. Support from friends and family really helps. I won’t say that your spouse has to be ALL the way on board with it in the beginning. I am living proof you can make it work even without that early support. Also, one of my most successful students overcame tremendous family pressure in the beginning (now he’s well into the mid 4 figures each month and on his way to 5). But wow, it sure helps if you have some support…or at least not have any anti-support. My advice here is to invest as much time in communication as possible to ensure you don’t let any negative energy build around you. (meaning…don’t keep your nose glued to your computer screen every possible minute while neglecting too much time with your spouse. This neglect, along with making ZERO income in the beginning, is pretty tough for most spouses…surprise surprise.)

There are many other minor factors that help the process along of course. But I believe those 5 are pretty important for everyone beginning the process.


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