
Should You Hire A Virtual Assistant?



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  1. Eric Debuck says:

    Hello Steve, I have just hired a few writer form odesk, and they write great articles for me. One of them is from India. India is where just about 1/3 of my traffic comes from. Now this is just a thought I had, but what if I had a good writer write articles in there language and submit them. I bet I could get a lot more work out of them if they did not have to translate. Have you herd of anyone doing this? Or is this a bad idea? Thanks, Eric

  2. Steve says:

    Great idea Eric….just have a link on your main site for the pages with different language. Have the VA make those pages for your site in that language. Human visitors and Google will love it. Also, if there are article directories for that language, have them write and submit to those too backlinking to your india pages on your site.

  3. Eric Debuck says:

    I think I follow what your saying. Lets use this website for an example. So wear you have “popular pages” in your right side bar, I could put something like “india pages” and then have all the pages listed under that. Each page would be listed in their language. So it would be a whole menu for that language in that language. So everyone that comes to my site will see an english menu and india menu. Most of my site will be english, but just have a handful of pages in the different language. 1 more question, is there a google india, or google china, or is it all just 1 google?

  4. Steve says:

    yep, that plan for the links would work. You can have a text widget with any and all HTML/links you want in the sidebars.

    Yes, check these google sites out: http://www.google.com.hk/


  5. that’s a nice idea of yours.but have you tried Filipino writers? i wonder aside from you, perhaps who else will have an idea to place say Flipino Pages? Just a thought

  6. Steve says:

    Sure, I use writers in the Philippines. There are good ones. But they are hard to find. Few of them are able to write original content well enough to get past some of the editors now days with the article submission services. That being said, I have an excellent writer there now writing great 400 word articles for me for $2.00 each. All of his are 100% original and are always accepted.

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