
Is “Focus” Still a Problem?


Several days ago I attended our monthly GKIC local meeting. A few members of the group, along with my wife and me, also remain afterwards for the afternoon MasterMind meeting.

I can’t tell you how much we have learned by attending both groups; I very highly suggest attending your local GKIC local group meetings…no matter what business you are in.

By the way, GKIC stands for Glazer Kennedy Inner Circle.  I have a page here with more details about Kennedy style marketing if you are interested.

Anyway, in the MasterMind meeting we all take turns updating the group with what we are doing and any problems we are encountering and then get feedback. This month the common theme was “focus”. It seems that every member this time had too many irons in the fire, too many ideas, too many things on their to-do  list, just too too much of everything going on.

We all agreed it was obvious the key was focus. We all KNEW that already. Relentless Focused Action has been my mantra for years as many of you well know. Still, here was a group of very successful business owners who also know the importance of focus…but there we sat…all falling into the same trap of losing focus.

The point I want to make here is that “focus” is not an easy thing to keep. It’s something that must be tweaked on a daily and sometimes even an hourly basis.

If your gut tells you your to-do list is too long, here’s a simple method for getting things back into alignment:

Write EVERYTHING down in one place. You should have ONLY ONE list written down in ONE place. Next quickly prioritize them from most to least important (pretty easy to do really).  Now start at the top and decide if you will perform that task or delegate it (to an employee or a VA). Go one by one down the list until you feel certain you have dealt with as many as you can in the next few days or weeks. Make a NEW list with just those items you plan to work with NOW. Set the other list aside and stop looking/thinking about it.

Hammer out those items on your top priority list one by one. When everything on the list is crossed off, go back to the other list…wash, rinse and repeat.

Whether you are a stay-at-home-mom trying to start a small Internet business or you are the owner of a multi-million dollar brick and mortar business, this plan works!

Again, these three words WILL make all the difference: Relentless Focused Action

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  1. barak says:


    Great advice. Have used this technique in my own life and mastermind.


  2. Brett says:

    Begining of personal goal, hopefully I can *Focus*
    long enough get to one the local meetups .. LOL

    nice site btw .. do you have a referral link for theme?


  3. steve says:

    Hi Brett, Thanks! Yes, the link to the theme is at the bottom of the page on the right side.

Although I give away a LOT of info, I do promote some third party products that I use and find great value in.
Usually, I will receive a commission when these products are purchased from this site.
But as I said, I NEVER promote anything unless I find it valuable in my own business.