
Your Internet Marketing “Turning Point”


Maybe you have read about or heard me describe the “turning point” in my early days of online marketing. If you have, it’s worth hearing again (IMO). If you haven’t heard it, there’s a good chance it can change your path just like it did mine.

Here’s the story again, quickly:

I had been “trying to figure out how to make money online” for a few years. I had already tried, crashed and burned, and was scammed a number of times. Just like so many others, I was frustrated to say the least while I worked a day job and tried to build an online business at night and on the weekends.

I still remember the exact place on the drive home from my job one day when I had my epiphany. From that instant, everything began changing for me…for the better.

This was my life changing thought:

I knew there were many people doing very well on the Internet. I did not believe they were simply lucky. I also did not believe they were significantly smarter, if any, than I was.

Here’s how that thought changed my strategy:

Instead of “trying to make money”, I began spending ALL my effort on learning HOW those successful people were doing what they did. Instead focusing so much on “me”, I focused on them. I studied what they did and how they did it. I bookmarked countess sites I found interesting. I spent untold hours reading internet related blogs and forums. In other words, I basically enrolled myself in “school” and committed to studying.

I felt liberated from the stress of “trying to figure out what to sell and how to sell it”. I was 110% positive I was now on the right track. I did not have a doubt. THAT was a great feeling!

To make a longer story short, I’ll fast-forward ahead about 6 months.

In a few months, the light bulbs were coming on. It wasn’t too long that my wife and I had another epiphany for what WE could do online…and the rest is history. In just a few more years we were both able to quit our jobs in education…life was/is good.

Why am a telling you this story? It’s pretty simple. I feel confident that a few people, out of the thousands of people who read this email, will open their minds a bit and allow their own epiphany to pop in. I fully expect some folks will contact me in a few days or weeks telling me that they too “get it”…they finally had that breakthrough they’ve been looking for.

For me, those people, whose lives I helped change, make everything I do worthwhile.

Are you one of those whose direction will change for the positive because of this mail? I hope so.

If you feel frustrated, confused, and “lost”, you need your own breakthrough thought. Here are some suggestions for “allowing” it in:

  • Stop beating yourself up about your lack of success. (This Internet marketing stuff is NOT a simple as you originally and falsely thought.)
  • Avoid feelings of desperation. If you impose deadlines on yourself in the beginning, you set yourself up for massive frustration. (Sure, setting goals is GREAT, but even the gurus had countless train wrecks on their way to their success. (This won’t be a quick process.)
  • Stop thinking there is ONE perfect idea that will result in your massive success. It almost never works like that. Massive success is usually a conglomeration of small successes. (Forget trying to find a way to make $5000 a month! Just making a steady $500 a month is no small goal for a beginner.)
  • Once you have good success, I’ll bet my next AdSense check that the area of your success is something that’s already in your life that you enjoy doing and/or you want to learn more about. (In other words, stop looking “out there” for ideas. Instead, look more at yourself, what you do, what you like, and who you are.)
  • Most importantly, give yourself time and space for insight to happen. I was lucky that I had a fairly long commute with plenty of “thinking” time. In other words, your breakthrough WILL NOT happen in front of your computer. I can all but promise you that. Clarity for your personal direction won’t come from your computer. Take walks or relaxing drives to give your mind freedom to think.
  • Lastly, it’s very easy to get in a wrong rut and be stuck there. Don’t let wrong choices you made in thinking control how you think now. For example, maybe in your first days of online marketing exposure you learned about affiliate marketing and thought it sounded perfect for you. However, maybe you have at your fingertips the ability to create a killer info product about an area you enjoy or are a semi-expert in. Don’t let past thinking ruts detour you from success!

Internet marketing isn’t for everyone. Some people can’t handle the fail fast, trial and error methods nearly every success requires. Others can’t or won’t master even the simplest of technical issues. Still more underestimate the time required. Perhaps they have a 50 hour a week job, kids, and other responsibilities that won’t allow for the time required to build a business.

But if your gut says Internet marketing is for you (like mine did), you won’t give up. Just like the rest of us who enjoy success, you’ll keep looking and trying things until something gets traction. You won’t give up.

Wishing You Great Success,


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Categories : Marketing Tools


  1. Ken Hansen says:

    Hi Steve, thank you for your patients and service to the online community of struggling publisher wanna-be’s. I have been plugging away since March 2010. As directed by a “Guru” I started and flopped with PPC on Google and Face-book. But I limited my allotted funds and took a minimum beating, though significant. The cost of Guru-chantment was another thing all together. They can woo the garter off a bride before her wedding on a dare.
    All be said, it is true that without failure you would not recognize success, and the training you receive along the way is invaluable. The most of which is communicating with the community at large. You become more attuned to the happenings and learn to participate, thus honing your writing ability and prowess.
    I think that everyone should be as lucky as we who have found gifted tutors such as yourself. Thank you.

  2. DIY SEO UK says:

    Hi Steve,

    Good story, it sort of made me realise the importance of prioritising. In the world of SEO it gets boring and sometimes you find yourself doing the tasks you prefer to do rather than the tedious ones that take up all your time.

    A good work plan, ample motivation and a determined effort and you’ve got the foundations for buidling an online business.

    Keep in contact with us, your emails are one of the few I choose to read. Once a week is ok.

    Once you’ve been doing this commenting lark for a long time, it is sort of habit to leave a backlink.

    I’m sure you’de expect nothing less.

    Sheffield, UK

  3. Steve says:

    Well thank you! Yeah, that pie in the sky PPC dream sounds so good….but it’s the hardest area of Internet marketing to master. Those “gurus” who send beginners into that area all know better…therefore, I would not call them gurus. Scammers is a better word.

    Glad you mimized the losses….I wasn’t so lucky back then.

  4. I learned a lot from you, but one thing has served me better than any other; “publish one original article a day.” Sometimes it’s a video or two but the results are the same. I get first page Google and Youtube so often now it’s almost boring…almost. Thanks again for being such an excellent teacher. Brent

  5. LoneWolf says:

    Thanks for the inspirational post Steve. I have really streamlined the things that I’m focusing on right now. I’ve had too many projects on the go with the intention that I could make a little income from each and it would add up.

    Now I’ve figured out that I need to focus on one thing at a time and then start other projects once the first one is going. Having too much on the go made sure that I didn’t have enough time for anything.

  6. Steve says:

    Absolutely! There are many Internet marketing tasks I HATE doing…but they have to be done. One of the reasons most beginners don’t make it in this business is because they aren’t able to plug away at the “boring” stuff.

  7. Steve says:

    yep, absolutely! The old saying about having “too many irons in the fire” really does apply to online marketing. Nothing works if you spread yourself too thin.

  8. Steve says:

    Yeah, if beginners just focused on consistent and high quality content creation, far more of them would have success for sure.

  9. Tahi says:

    Nice post Steve, you are one of the few email lists I am still on.
    I first got into internet marketing about a year ago now and tried the ppc and adwords stuff too, got sucked into a few scams, lost a bit of money and gave up, but I recently built a new site deciding to focus more on creating good content on something I actually enjoy and not about making money…

  10. Rajesh says:

    You are absolutely right. However in my case, it is trying so many things together. I started with one thing and then realized another thing is better and in the end, I have 30 websites not giving much income. I am planning to start afresh, check my assignments and books which I bought and make a new business plan.

  11. Steve says:

    Yep, spread yourself too thin and nothing at all works….that’s for sure.

Although I give away a LOT of info, I do promote some third party products that I use and find great value in.
Usually, I will receive a commission when these products are purchased from this site.
But as I said, I NEVER promote anything unless I find it valuable in my own business.