
“New” Google Rules


I’m glad I never participated or taught the whole “auto blogging/scraping”.

Sure, in the past it did work. There were folks with many hundreds (and often many thousands) of website filled with Unoriginal content. Each site might make ten or twenty bucks a month. Life was good for those who took massive action there.

But all good things have to come to an end. Google, just like the rest of us who see the trash in our search results pages, have had enough.

In recent weeks they have specifically stated that sites that “copy content from other sites” should take a back seat to legitimate content.

Plus, there is one point they made that I think is even more important. They stated that their ranking algorithm will begin putting more weight on “how users interact with a site”.

Time on page/site has always been a factor they looked at. But it seems they will put even more importance on it. In other words, if Google does decide to rank your page well, thus feeding it traffic, that site had BETTER be good enough for visitors to hang around a bit.

Visitors had better spend some time reading your content, looking at pictures, and/or watching your videos on several pages of your site.

Just like I have been teaching for years, your site MUST offer value.

Online success is nothing more than basic Karma 101: (ala Zig Ziglar )  “The more you give people what they want, the more you get what you want.”

Too many try to pass go and jump right into the “money making” side of Internet marketing. All will fail with that path. Those who focus on offering value, along with correct SEO techniques, will find their income increasing almost by default.

Here’s an article from the Wall Street Journal with more info about Google’s latest moves for increasing the value of their search results.

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  1. Paul Guzman says:

    Excellent info Steve. I myself have started to see an increase in ranking and visitors. Probably due to the b.s. scraped up, automated content falling from Google’s rankings.

    However there are still many newbies who have no idea what you, I and the Internet Marketing world really want…Good Useful Content. Something that will have them saying “Ahh…I’ve found what I am looking for”!


  2. Hey Steve,

    Good post. I have been noticing some strange behavior from Google lately. Mostly page rank changing quickly in both directions.

    I like it. Lot’s of junk out there. I was recently on a Google page where the whole first page of results re-directed to the same “survey” type site. Searching for good information on my “92” Dakota is a nightmare.

    I’m still getting first page results very quickly by publishing four or five related articles and linking them together. My sites are ageing and I’ve seen a big difference in the search traffic which I attribute to that.



  3. Google must do its thing I have always tried to do the content thing right.

  4. Bernard says:

    Hi Steven

    Many thanks for confirming that basic common sense and honesty is a better long term strategy than stuffing the net full of junk for short gain.

    I have a number of small under the radar sites that quietly make money. Nothing flash and no ‘super’ techniques. Just well researched and well written little niche sites.

    Am a big fan of yours please keep the information coming.


  5. Norm says:

    I remember back in Nov/Dec people were becoming very vocal about how Google was going to rank websites and termed it the ranking triangle Content(SEO), Backlinks which hold weight and also Activity(commenting) on a site. I guess this reaffirms a what a bunch of people were saying by adding time and browsing internal pages on a website as well. Reading your post, I can see what the next product launch is going to be from black hat marketers.

  6. Lynn Brown says:

    Thank you Steve for sharing some really good information about the New Google rules. When I entered the internet back in 1995 I was taught to copy and paste as many email addresses as I could. Thank goodness those times have changed to a more professional platform.

    Having the offline marketing background that I learned from the companies I worked for was a huge help for me to bring that over to today’s internet. I believe your success is measured by the relationships and connections you make. And keeping those connections active and wanting more from you.

    So I appreciate you pointing out “your site MUST offer value” – it truly is key when planning and implementing your online business for success.

  7. Steve says:

    Not sure if you mean Page Rank or how your pages rank…result’s rankings can dance around with new sites a lot…that’s normal.

    Age helps a LOT….

  8. Steve says:

    yeah, remember those days of hidden text….it worked back then! …now it get’s you banned. And there are STILL some 1990’s pages published that beginners find sometimes.

Although I give away a LOT of info, I do promote some third party products that I use and find great value in.
Usually, I will receive a commission when these products are purchased from this site.
But as I said, I NEVER promote anything unless I find it valuable in my own business.