
3 Methods To Easily Create Content


If you are like me, you probably do not enjoy the task of typing content for web pages. Content is vital for having your sites rank well, but it is one of the biggest challenges faced by new marketers.

Backlinks matter a lot to Google, but in the end content is what every site owner must begin with. Writing the sites content is a challenge for many. Very small niches only require 5 to 20 pages of content to do well. Google likes to see a site with great and focused content. Larger niches (areas) will require MUCH more content. Each page of content MUST be original and should be  around 400 to 700 words long. The content MUST be optimized, so keyword research must be performed before writing the content.

In the beginning, most of us simply type our own content. I have here 2 methods I use to make the content creation easier, faster and more enjoyable.

I use Dragon Naturally Speaking for much of my retail, affiliate, and Adsense site content. It works quite well for that. It’s not perfect, but once you get the software “trained” for your voice you can create a LOT of content fast.

I also use oDesk for finding very inexpensive writers. I do not use these VA’s (virtual assistants) for anything but content for my retail, adsense and affiliate sites (I write all my content for this blog for example.) If you need an inexpensive writer for helping you create site content, simply join oDesk and quickly create a job description and post it (this does not cost anything). Within minutes you’ll have a few dozen job applicats who are bidding on your job. You can then look at their resumes and portfolios and hire one if you wish(there is no obligation to hire anyone). oDesk makes the process completely safe and easy. I highly suggest it. Find Writers on oDesk

I also use Text Broker a lot for creating content on my second tier sites. I never use a content writer for my main sites like this one however. I write all the content myself for my main sites.  Here is a video about how to use TextBroker:

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Categories : Marketing Tools


  1. Melissa Galt says:

    I was certainly familiar with Dragon, but not copytalk and may check it out. I’ve had transcriptions done of events and teleseminars but it has always been a bit of an investment and took far to long. Love that idea thanks for sharing a valuable tool!

    BTW, if interested, drop me a line directly I have a JV I think would be a great fit for you and your fired up readers.

    Going farther together, Melissa
    aka @prosperbydesign

  2. Jan Hoadley says:

    While I can appreciate hiring out things you aren’t strong at (we all have weaknesses) it is insulting that the qualification stated is inexpensive for writers. As a writer it’s insulting to have people present jobs to make them money but expect (and this is real) writers to do a day’s work for less than a mcdonald’s happy meal! We are BUSINESSES too!! Further, these places expect writers to write for nothing – if you have 10 presentations 9 of those get NOTHING for their time. I have yet to get anything from any marketing person that is truly free…you expect to be paid for your time and talents, for the knowledge that you have come into often the hard way. Writers, graphic arts folks, photographers etc also need to make a living. The listings of ‘convince people this is a million dollar opportunity’ while paying for less than a steak dinner because “anyone can do it” I began reading about marketing – including yours – to find what I was doing wrong. I DO value my work, but recommendations from the very marketers telling me to market better recommend cutting my work. I have dropped almost all work places due to the influx of people following that advice – it cost more than it brought in. I may have a ways to go in business but that seems a biz basic!

    Very discouraging!

  3. steve says:

    I understand your point of view completely. But here is the deal:

    Notice that I said I would never hire a writer at oDesk to write my technical type pages or any pages on my main Weber Internet Marketing site. However, for a tiny niche site, where I am interested in getting very targeted traffic via SEO, I simply do not need high quality writing for that site to succeed.

    I actually have paid professional writers to write promotional copy for me at the rate of several hundred dollars for only a few hundred words.

    However, expensive writing like that is not required for small niche AdSense or affiliate sites in order for them to have good success.

  4. Marte Cliff says:

    Steve – I’m glad you cleared that up about the writing. I’d be very disappointed if you were one of the ones promoting the use of cheap copy.

    A top copywriter associated with a well-known copywriting school has been seen around the web promoting use of cheap copywriters to be found on elance and guru.com – and has ads on Craigs List looking for writers to produce his ebooks for $75 each.

    I found that pretty insulting to all the students who paid for the copywriting course. Especially since the promotions said they could make 6 figures a year while relaxing on the beach – if they just paid for the course on how to write good copy.

    Of course, if any of the students actually believed that they could make that kind of money while relaxing then they were pretty dumb, but that’s another story.

  5. Ron says:

    Thank you very much for the tip of using Dragon. I had forgotten about using it and will have to dust it off. The other services sound interesting, will try them. Appreciate the post.

  6. steve says:

    Hehe…easy money at the beach by writing a $75 ebook….sign me up!!!

  7. Paul says:

    Sorry Jan, but if that is an example of your copy writing skills, I can see why you aren’t doing very well. Work on your grammar and punctuation. You just wasted a great opportunity to show us all how good you are at what you do.

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But as I said, I NEVER promote anything unless I find it valuable in my own business.