
It Ain’t All Peaches and Cream!


Hey, building a business (a successful one anyway) is mostly NOT peaches and cream. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t trade my business for a day job for hardly anything (ok,ok, I guess I might take one of those $10 million a year CEO jobs…just for one year though).

In the beginning, and sometimes that time period can seem like a LONG time, things can be rough. That is normal. Most people beginning a business expect the “abnormal”…and that would be expecting to hit the big time with a new business in just a few months.

That just ain’t gona  happen…short of lottery luck.  (pardon my okie slang there)

Your best chance of ever finding success is following one of Dan Kennedy’s tips:

“Never underestimate the difficulty of the task.

If you follow Dan’s advice, have plenty of patience, can maintain focused action, have a normal or even a somewhat below normal IQ, don’t mind a “few” hurdles now and then, and can keep your eye on the big picture while tending to the details, you can’t help but succeed!

Almost any idea can work….heck, in the late 70’s or so a guy made a fortune packaging and selling “pet rocks”…come on! If he can do that, YOU can take a “reasonable idea and make a fortune too!

99% of the time “ideas” don’t fail. What fails is the plan and the action…or lack of one or both.

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  1. Matt Geier says:

    One of the major issues that needs address with “Peaches and Cream” is that a lot of the programs available are touting big returns in so little time; with little work. Truth is “Business is Business” and a lot of people marketing a product; don’t know the ins and outs enough to make it work quickly. Steve, you have your own program that you teach people; this is how you provide a value ad.

    The Sales Corner works in similar ways; We take tools, products, and people, and we get to know them; understand them, and then help our member base become educated on what they need to do to help themselves, help their business.

    We agree it’s not Peaches and Cream either! It wasn’t for us; and we are 100% free to most of our community. We sell things; but it’s stuff for people that they need, when they need it. It’s hard keeping any business going, especially one that’s so willing to give give give, without money in return. That’s where some fail. We make it work, because people understand the value we can provide them AFTER the free part does it’s job!

    Good Read!

  2. Roland says:

    Great post Steve!

    I used to try all sorts of stuff and give up after a few weeks (or days) if it wasn’t working. Always jumping from one thing to something else. After applying the principle of relentless focused action (and the Internet Marketing strategies you taught me) I’ve been able to focus on my one true passion and actually begin to capitalize on it. I’m not able to quit my day job but I’m finally on the path I was meant to be on.

    P.S. I love your new testimonial sidebar! Time for me to create my own.

  3. Carl Tyger says:

    The statement “Never underestimate the difficulty of the task” could not be more spot on and appropriate. I have been an entrepeneur for many years now in a few different markets. I have lost count of how many times I have had an idea that I thought making money with was going to be like shooting fish in a barrel. Time after time these ideas came to reality and I really just couldn’t figure out how to market them.

    A couple years ago I was intrigued by this internet stuff. I had an idea and I was determined just to make a sale online. Much study and learning was required. I spent many, many evenings and weekends learning and working to build a proper website. I was so intent on building it right, offering lots of great information from my expertise and have the email list to build.

    It was a long road filled with some discouragment and time of “why am i doing this”. It absolutely is not all peaches and cream but the payoff is beyond explanation. I personally have experienced times in my life when the dread of Monday morning started at about 6 PM Friday night. That’s no way to live. Even in some of my other slef employed experiences I felt like a slave. I don’t feel that way any more. Their is still lots of work to do, but I look forward to it each and every day and when I feel like a break I take one. What a liberating feeling. Every day is not perfect now, but a bad day now is leaps and bounds better than the best day I ever had working for someone else.

Although I give away a LOT of info, I do promote some third party products that I use and find great value in.
Usually, I will receive a commission when these products are purchased from this site.
But as I said, I NEVER promote anything unless I find it valuable in my own business.