Build Your List!

This May Be THE Most Important
Video You Ever Watch!

The Money IS In The List!

You already know how I feel about lists: if you aren’t working hard building a list, drop everything you are doing right now and focus on list building!

Pure and simple, a targeted list will be your greatest asset.period.

“The Money Is In The List

AWeber proves it to thousands of businesses every day.

Learn how email marketing software
can get you more sales, too.


Steve’s Bonus For Joining aWeber

Free aWeber "How-To" Video Offer

If you sign up with aWeber using the above form, I’ll give you my “How to Setup aWeber” video tutorial for no charge. Just contact me here after you join aWeber and paste in a copy of your aWeber invoice. I’ll send you the link to my aWeber video. It will cut the learning curve and quickly get you on track for list building.

But let’s dissect this idea a bit. Why exactly is this marketing method so important?

There are three types of visitors who come to your site. The first type of visitor is one who will never buy anything from you. No matter what you, they will not pull out their wallets. There is nothing you can ever do to convert this visitor.

The second type of visitor is about as common as the first type. Except this visitor will mesh with you and your site instantly! They see your point; they see the value you offer and they “click” with you right away and are more than willing to give their credit card number to you. These types of visitors are every marketer’s dream!

The first two types of visitors represent maybe 25% of your total visitors. So what about the remaining 75%?

The third type of visitor is more cautious than the second type but far more open minded than the first. These visitors represent the bulk of people coming to your site.

They are open to the idea of maybe someday spending money with you. However, they aren’t about to click the buy button right away. Maybe they have been burned in the past by scam products. Maybe they are naturally cautious. For whatever reason, they need more information; they need more trust in you, and/or need more convincing that what you offer is for them.

So imagine when one of these visitors arrives at your site and spends a few minutes looking around. They like what they see, but no way in heck will they impulse buy anything. They make a “mental note” of your site and your offer; they really do intend to return “later” to learn more.but we all know how that goes.

Now imagine if you gave that 75% of visitors another option. What if they didn’t have to open their wallets right then? What if they could freely provide their email address to your trustworthy looking site so they could receive your free download and/or learn more about what you had to offer them via your newsletter?

Did you know it is 10 or 15 times easier to get someone to opt-in for your newsletter or free gift than it is to get them to actually buy something?

If you do not have a method in place to capture those potential customers’ contact information, you will lose most of them forever!

Some studies show that it takes an average of 7 emails before a person in this group will actually buy anything.

Imagine that! Imagine the difference between marketing with a list versus attempting to make the sale to the average one-time visitor to your site!

It should seem obvious now why a database full of leads is so vital to your businesses success!

The Money Really Is In The List!

Unlimited<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
Autoresponders by AWeber

List Building Tips

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