
Making it to the Super Bowl of SEO


seo information

SEOs are kind of like football players.  Their ego is over inflated.  They brag about their records, pointing out their big wins.  They engage in a never ending debate about strategy.  And under all that mmachismo– they are really quite terrified.

Terrified some unforeseen obstacle will cause them to drop the ball at a pivotal moment and ruin everything they’ve worked so hard for.  Terrified their past actions will have a negative influence on their chance to make it to the play-offs.  They are tempted to be like so many others – to cheat and take shortcuts to see results.  And deep down, they are terrified someone will expose their internal struggle and self-doubt.

Well, since this is an SEO blog and not a sports broadcast, we’ll just worry about exposing the internal struggle of SEOs – not quarterbacks.  It is our belief the nature of this business prevents most SEOs from honestly discussing their failures.  So we’ll do it for them.


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