
The Most Common SEO Misconceptions



There are many misconceptions about SEO, and one of the reasons for this is the fact that SEO requires time and being persistent in your efforts to make it to the front page of search engine page results. Therefore, many people are constantly trying to take shortcuts and come up with fast SEO results that will really bring value to the content. However, with SEO there are no shortcuts, and, as previously mentioned, you need to invest time in order to get a firm grasp of this intriguing three-letter acronym. On your long way to finding out what the best SEO practices are, you will be faced with many obstacles that are more commonly known as SEO misconceptions.




SEO Is Cheap

One of the biggest misconceptions people have about SEO is that it is affordable. The truth, on the other hand, is that you have to be prepared to invest your money into optimizing your content properly. The reason for this is the fact that search engine optimizations requires more than just a few keywords, a will to learn, and mediocre content. SEO strategies can indeed be complex, and SEO in general requires a great deal of knowledge, practice, and time invested in it. So, if you think that your SEO guy is charging you too much, think twice. On the other hand, if you decide to save money on this, don’t expect good results.

I Just Need to Optimize My Content Once

Many people wrongly believe that once you hire an SEO consultant, and get great results, you don’t have to deal with this task again. This is another misconception that many people have about SEO which in its core is everything but a one-time-thing. There are always new changes regarding search engines, and even if you have a perfectly optimized site, this will not last for a long time if you don’t follow the trends and changes. This means that you should have an SEO professional that will always keep your content up to date according to the latest trends and changes.

When I Get to the First Page My Job Is Done

Truth being said, getting on the first page of search engine results pages often does not have to involve good SEO practices at all. You can reach the famous number one page and still don’t have what SEO is all about – good content. Even though Google is trying to change this, there are still websites that are ranked high with poor web content featured. Readers, on the other hand, trust the first pages that come up when they enter a certain keyword. So, if you find yourself being on the top of the SERP’s and don’t provide your visitors with what they’ve expected, you will lose all your credibility. This automatically means that your ranking will start to fall increasingly, and you’ll find yourself at the beginning, asking yourself what went wrong.

After reading all of this, do your best not to trust the various misconceptions about SEO that lurk from every angle of the Internet. Rather than this, focus on finding an excellent SEO expert, and don’t feel bad about investing money into this project, as it will all eventually pay off.


Images: epSos .deCC BY 2.0

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