
Top 5 Tips To Optimize Your PPC Landing Page



PPC campaigns are one of the best ways to make money these days. It is a simple and easy way to generate sales and interest in people and to try their products. However, it is not easy to say whether your investment in PPC campaigns is actually effective.

Sometimes PPC campaigns require extensive study to see if your ads are actually just attracting people or generating sales as well. Hence there is a term in PPC known as Conversion rates. These are when a user clicks on an ad on a PPC network, he is usually directed to further details sales pitch or extended advertisement. The rate at which this ad has actually resulted in desired action is conversion rate and it is how the success of PPC is tested. However you need to properly optimize your landing page before you focus on conversion pages.

Pre-Accepting Conditions:

Many web pages have sales contracts attached to the landing page. Such contracts usually require you to populate the check box or type in your contact details. An effective way to increase conversion rates is to use only populated cursors and also have them pre-populated. It is logical since the customer cannot proceed without populating the box and they are accepting it by trying to proceed, you don’t separately need them to populate the box on their own.

Eye Contact

Allowing the users to focus on the subject of the picture can help you quickly generate sales. What the concept is that the more time people focus on reading or understanding an ad, the more people are likely to question. However if you graphically enhance the subject of the image or ad, then people are likely to focus on that and proceed. With such high eye contact focusing only on one facet rather than the details of the deal, your conversion rates are likely to rise.

Comments and Testimonials

Comments and testimonials are excellent optimizers. The idea is that people will not buy your product confidently unless people already using it, comment about the product. Many testimonials will be bad but some may be good or event promoting. Such confidence will allow the customer not to second guess the service or product being provided.

Point of Assurance

Many people may think testimonials are simply there by the brand to manipulate clients. However, the presence of a trusted icon can help people focus on ads and proceed further on landing pages and convert. Icons such as FDA approved, hygienic or recycle are symbols that help the user feel more confident about the product they are about to purchase.


Many PPC campaigns can be cheap if you maintain the quality of your ad, page and web site. This means that you can use apps such as Google Adwords quality tool to analyze the fallbacks of the site and fix them to get better quality scores.

Moreover, it leads to getting better or faster loading speeds, downloading speeds and more. When you have a good quality score the cost of PPC campaigns goes down.


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