
Podcasting For Business – How To Grow Your Listener Base


Note From Steve: This post is written by a guest blogger t

Podcasts are a form of digital media that are quickly growing in popularity among business owners seeking to use the latest marketing techniques. That is because in addition to preparing them in advance, people can use their smartphones to create podcasts on the fly at live events, too.headphones

Podcasts are an easy, efficient, and inexpensive way to establish your online presence and reach both current customers and potential consumers. But more than that, podcasts allow you to reach people on a level that is often hit or miss with blog posts alone.

The late Steve Jobs, co-founder and former CEO of Apple Inc., once said, “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” And when you host a podcast, your audience can hear your love for what you do in your voice.

Hearing your voice not only adds a new level of credibility to your company brand, but it also allows you to make a personal connection with your consumers. Of course, the more people who tune in to hear you, the better your chance at being a podcasting success.

The Shift to Digital Marketing

Ours is a digital society as much as it is a social one. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and other social networks make it easy to use Spreaker, and a tool like the Spreaker app put into the hands of someone who is really creative is limitless.

Podcasting can fit any business and makes an ideal way to market your products or services. Print ads are down everywhere. Not only are people less likely to read a print ad, but print publications are trading out traditional media for an all-digital format.

Take for instance Newsweek who on December 31, 2012 published its final print edition. Starting in 2013 the company launched a new, digital, subscription-only product called Newsweek Global. Within the past two years they noted that digital media was on the upswing.

Tina Brown, the Editor-in-Chief for Newsweek, stated, “In our judgment, we have reached a tipping point at which we can most effectively and efficiently reach our readers in all-digital format.” She also stated that Newsweek feels that in the years ahead, digital readership will only increase.

Podcasting and SEO Techniques

A lot of business owners are either still using print methods or transitioning to all-digital platforms. However some, like Newsweek, have already made the switch. Spreaker tools, like podcasting, can help ease the transition to digital media.

During the Spreaker show, a live feed goes out to other social networks synchronized with the user’s account. As soon as the show is finished, the show becomes available on iTunes, YouTube, and any other social media where the player is embedded.

Another plus about Spreaker is that it is SEO-friendly. Comments or tags in the podcast description become spidered by Google and other search engines. The best part is, even if you have no idea how to make your own website you can still use SEO techniques through a site like Spreaker.

Gaining Traffic for Your Podcasts

Don Landwirth, host of the podcast titled The Free COO, commented during an episode of Coffee Talk with James Martell, a respecting internet entrepreneur and podcast host, “Spreaker is a really great tool for getting free traffic.” One example of this is listing your podcast in a relevant category on Spreaker to help people find it.

Another example is searching the name of a guest speaker a podcast, such as The Free COO. It will bring up the podcast a few listings down on the first page of the search results and, in some cases, the picture of host Don Landwirth appears with the listing.

In addition to knowing how to create a podcast and how to publish one to the internet using a platform like Spreaker that syncs with your social media networks, there are other tips you can use to help gain traffic. Here are a few of them.

  • Use Evergreen Content – Like trees that share the name, evergreen content is based on a subject that is relevant regardless of the calendar month – or even the year, for that matter. It often targets multiple demographics which widens the range of people who benefit from hearing it.
  • Add New Content Regularly – Unlike blog posts which are easy to outsource to another writer, you are responsible for regularly updating your podcasts. Fortunately you can record several at one time and then upload on a regular basis, such as weekly or biweekly.
  • Update Content as Necessary – If you find that your early attempts lack the quality and finesse of your more recent podcasts, don’t be afraid to go back and update. You might use the same content as before with your new intro, or even update the content with new facts and information.

Podcasts Reach Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime

Unlike online videos or other web shows, podcasts allow you to advertise your products and services in a way that people can listen to no matter what they’re doing, even driving or jogging. It is a wide open tool a company can use to get their messages out.

In a world where more people convert to digital technology each day, keeping up with the latest marketing trends can prove a real challenge. However when you combine podcasts with social media, you cast your advertising net over a wider berth of consumers, increasing your chances of success.

Freelance writer Sophie Evans is a self-confessed Starbucks fan. It not only gives her the energy she needs to stay on task with her work, but it also allows her to tackle all the duties that go with being a wife and mom as well. When she isn’t writing, spending time with family, or sneaking out to Starbucks for a refill, Sophie peruses the internet for new eco-friendly housekeeping tips.


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