
Pet Rocks: Marketing Truths


I heard from a new customer who had an idea about selling dog related items…custom collars, t-shirts, etc. I told them I thought the unique twist they had on dog collars was a great idea and they would do
well with the right marketing.

I should have underlined that last part!

Everyone knows, if you were around in the 70’s anyway, that you can make a million dollars selling rocks in a box and call them pets…if the marketing is right.

Getting the marketing right is the kicker for anything of course. It doesn’t matter how great your product is (or even if it is just mediocre), if the marketing is dead on, you’ll make a fortune.

Keep this in mind! If you are struggling right now trying to get traction with Internet marketing, there is a 90% chance that the problem is NOT that your idea is bad. Don’t be jumping from idea to
idea thinking those are the problem.

Think of it like this. No matter what your idea is right now, there is a marketer somewhere in this world who could make a fortune with it by using the right marketing approach.

You want to sell rocks and make a million? Ok, you can do it. You have an ebook you think is great and people will enjoy? Ok, make your million with it. How about fancy dog collars? Yip, those too!

Why is this part so hard? Because there are no rule books! Every single great idea which results in success got there with its own unique marketing plan. There is not a one-size fits all. There are as
many methods as there are ideas.

This information has not helped that person find a great method to market their dog collars. I can’t do that for them. They know best their product and their potential customers. They simply have to use
creativity and skill to match the two up.

That is what marketing is all about.

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But as I said, I NEVER promote anything unless I find it valuable in my own business.