
Do Guru’s Hoard The Good Online Methods?


People  new to Internet marketing have a few hard (and expensive) lessons to usually learn. The most common one is following the idea that they can “buy” their way into online success via a “packaged system”. Usually a very slick sales page promising the world is involved.

No matter if the “package” was an outright scam or one that had some legit info, it never works for the beginner. All the excitement of buying “the key to success” very quickly turns to frustration.

Some folks have to learn that lesson more than once unfortunately.

Success is not plug & play. It’s not paint-by-numbers either. That’s why the one-size-fits-all packages just don’t work for anyone.

Can you imagine yourself trying to open a home building business but you don’t personally know how to even build a simple wall or counter?

That’s how most beginners think. They mostly all put the cart before the horse when trying to build a biz online.

So why don’t the “gurus” making and selling all those packages start out more with the “basics” as required learning first?

Some people tell me they think the Guru’s just want to keep everyone stupid in that respect so they have less competition. But that’s not true. There is more than enough room; the Internet is a very very big place.

The simple truth is that it takes a ton of work to teach the basics and it takes a ton of work to learn the basics. It’s just that simple.

Teaching and learning the basics is not a huge amount of fun.

Both the Guru’s and the students would rather talk and think about the more glamorous aspect of online marketing…like making buckets of cash.

The people already down that dead-end road with a hyped-up “package” or two have either already quit out of frustration or, like you, have persevered on.

You KNOW (or should know) that people who are successful online are not lucky and they are not smarter than the average person.  The successful people did not quit; they learned from their mistakes.

Those who have online success all learned the basics and honed their skills with action…before they ever saw their first dime.

It cracks me up how people look at the Guru’s with awe; yet they never see or think about the trials and errors and frustration all successful people online have been through.

Success comes in very small increments that begin to add up. That’s how it works in this and most businesses. In fact, it is often 5 steps forward and 4.5 steps back for a lot of beginners.

Learn the basics and what works for other people, don’t try to reinvent the wheel, take action, there will be failures so “fail fast” and keep learning, keep taking action, keep tweaking, keep improving, keep making tiny tiny steps of progress. Never quit.

Lastly, you CAN learn and do all this and have massive success all on your own.

But WHY would you do it like that?

Time is money. Why spend the next year constantly moving 5 steps and then losing 4.5 of them by making beginners’ mistakes all the time?

In the beginning you don’t know what you don’t know! Fortunately, when I see my beginning students making serious mistakes, they have me there to correct them right away. They had no idea it was wrong; to them it seemed logical until I explained to them why.

Beginners who are on their own will suffer through the most basic of concepts and steps simply because they didn’t know better and/or have not been taught correctly.


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