
Making Money With Social Media – The Baltimore Conference


My head is still spinning from all I learned at the Social Media Money Magnet conference in Baltimore last week. I have a 2 page summary of all the notes I took; the high points on that list are on my “to-do” list for this week.

The conference was a real eye opener in a lot of ways. Time after time the presenters emphasized how “less” could be and should be more. Social media can be a HUGE time waster. There are so many aspects of it that will not result in improved sales or leads. To use it successfully, you have to filter out those wasteful actions.

The presenters all hit home the fact that your tweets and posts needed to have value in some way, shape, or form that YOUR particular followers found valuable.

What this means is to always (at least 95% of the time anyway) post info that your followers will find useful/informative/inspiring. Always ask yourself, “Is this something that will cause people to want to find out more about me, subscribe to my newsletter, check out my web site, etc.”

Sure, just to keep it real, a few tweets/posts will simply be about a great movie or restaurant you enjoyed…but even those can be written in fun and inspiring ways.

Social media is all about content. Provide content that improves, makes easier, adds to, or helps in some way with your followers’ lives and/or businesses. When you do that, you will build a massive and dedicated herd!

Always remember that social media is NOT about “making sales”. Its purpose is gathering leads. Social media is a means of building a large and dedicated group of followers who gain benefit from knowing you and feel inspired by you. That’s all it is. When that is accomplished, money will all but automatically flow to you.

Jason Van Orden from Internet Business Mastery – The number 1 Internet Marketing Podcast on iTunes

Coach Deb: The Mistress of twitter success!

Kate Buck: The #1 source simplifying your social media marketing!

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