
Love What You Do – Do What You Love


That’s one of the mandatory prerequisites for happiness!

So why do so few people adhere to this tried and proven philosophy for living life?

It’s pretty simple really.

Almost all of us, at least in this country, have been indoctrinated since an early age that hard work and sacrifice were the real roads to success. We all fell for it hook, line, and sinker. Sure, sacrifice and hard work MIGHT lead to success…and then again, and in more cases than not, it simply leads to more hard work and sacrifice.

Don’t get me wrong! Hard work and sacrifice are noble traits and when they are applied to areas of positive energy, great things can happen! However, the same hard work and sacrifice applied simply for the sake of their applications leads nowhere.

Honestly there is no relationship between “hard work” and success.

What?? Did Steve Weber just say that??

He sure did and I can prove that statement is correct by finding countless people who have worked hard all their lives and have little, if any, of what they define as success in their lives. Whether their “success” entails income, lifestyles, or some meta-physical aspect of life, the universe really could care less how much hard work and sacrifice is submitted to it when it hands out “success and happiness”.

Here comes the hard part. (I bet you sort of figured this was coming.)

Take stock of your own position in life right now. Take an honest evaluation of where you are spiritually, economically, etc. Where are you now, where do you want to be in the future, and will the road you are on get you there? Be sure to double check with yourself that you are not suffering in the belief that “working hard” really is the key ingredient for getting ahead.

Beware, the truth often hurts; complete self disclosure is vital however.

By now I have probably enlightened you, depressed you, or caused you to consider me full of “hog wash”.

I assume, unless you are of the latter group, you are still reading. Therefore, I’ll continue.

Living by “Do what you love and love what you do” involves breaking old habits and forming new ones. DO NOT expect these transformations will take place overnight…they won’t.

First, you have to put “hard work and sacrifice” in perspective and understand how it will and will not fit into your grand plan. Like I said, there’s nothing wrong with it per se. In fact, plenty of blood sweat and tears may be what’s required when you find your road.

Or maybe not…..

The real trick for finding and enjoying your own definition of success is this: The action you take in life must be directed towards areas where you feel positive energy. You must get in the habit of always analyzing your true feelings while applying ALL actions.

You might be working yourself to the bone right now on a dream which you feel complete positive energy for. If so, congratulations! You are already living success on multiple levels right now.

On the other hand, you might have a monotonous but easy job you go to each day which you have utter disdain for. Regardless of your “dreams for the future”, you are destined in one way, shape or form to continue on this negative plateau in your life.

By the way, rationalizing that you plan to “do something about it” in the future won’t ever move you off that plateau.

I know this post may cut to the core for some who read it; it was meant to actually.

Brutal honesty with yourself is the first and hardest step toward living your dreams.

Do What You Love and Love What You Do!

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