
Let’s Talk About Your Goals


Have you noticed how FAST these years fly by? The older I get the faster they seem to come and go. Most people spend more time around each New Year reflecting on where they are and what they would like to accomplish in the next year. It’s definitely a great time to set and/or adjust your dreams and goals.

Don’t take wrong what I am about to say; I think dreams and goals are great.

Literally millions of people will be actively thinking about and setting new ones for themselves in the coming week. I think that is great.


Just like the saying, “Words are Cheap”, so are dreams and goals.

Out of those millions who set new resolutions, how many do you think will actually see a fraction of their goals reached? I’m not a negative person at all, but I think I can safely say that answer is “not very many”.

With respect to your business goals, how can you break that pattern and actually see great progress toward your dreams in the coming year?

The answer is really simple.

There is no luck involved.
Nothing but an average IQ is required.
It doesn’t matter “who you know”.
A magical epiphany of insight is not required.
Past “failures” don’t matter a lick.

Once again, I point out my favorite 3 words for success:
Relentless Focused Action

That is ALL that’s required for your success in the coming year.

Relentless: I don’t mean you have to go “nose to the grind stone” 24/7. Relentless only means CONSISTENT. It means you don’t dabble here and there at it “when you have time”. You set high, but realistic goals depending on your life situation. THEN you put yourself on a daily/weekly work schedule. THEN you STICK WITH IT…no matter what. AND you DO NOT require immediate satisfaction as a requisite for sticking to the schedule. (Expecting/needing quick satisfaction is the #1 reason people ditch their dreams.)

Focused: Here’s the kicker. Hard work is NOT a guarantee for success. Read that again! You can work until you are “blue in the face” trying to market earth worm pie recipes. No amount of work will make that idea fly. Before you set your goals and plans of action, you must have a relatively solid foundation of knowledge for what’s required. You aren’t and don’t need to be an expert marketer in the beginning, but you do need a foundation. Remember that whatever time/money you invest in educating yourself puts you miles ahead of the rest. Most people’s need for immediate satisfaction causes them to skip over the “boring” part of learning.

Action: Like I said, dreams and goals are cheap to set. If I had to list just ONE factor that is common to successful people, it would be ACTION. Those who reach their goals have learned this real “secret” to success. Turn off the TV, stop surfing around the web, get up an hour earlier…whatever it takes…but you just gotta put action behind those goals and dreams. Again, 24/7 is NOT required. What IS required is a FOCUSED action plan which is followed RELENTLESSLY.

I may not know you personally. I may not know your individual dreams, goals or current skill levels. But here is what I DO know about you and your dreams and goals:

When you reach them, you will have followed the path of Relentless Focused Action. There really is no other route. The more you look for shortcuts or “quick and easy”, the longer you delay the real process for reaching your goals.

If you are truly “ready” and prepared to reach your goals, what I have written here will resonate with you; you will “get it”. You’ll then be one of those few who not only have a dream, but will also REACH IT in this coming year.

I can’t wait to hear about your successes as you apply Relentless Focused Action in the coming year!

Keep In Touch!

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