
How Big Is The Internet?


We all know the Internet is big and continues to grow every day. Today, 2.2 billion people (almost 1 out of every 3 people) all over the world use the Internet. The current estimate is that there are approximately one trillion pages out on the Web. That translates to one trillion sheets of standard 8.5×11 printer paper. All that paper would cover 649,000,000,000 square feet of land.

Looked at another way, all the printed webpages would cover 23,279 square miles of land. Since New Jersey is a mere 8,722 square miles, all the world’s printed webpages would cover the Garden State nearly 2.7 times. In New York, all the pages would easily fill the massive 2.85 million rentable square feet of the Empire State building 200,000 times. On an international scale, all these pages from the Internet would spread out to be larger than the Bahamas, the Virgin Islands, Luxembourg, and Kuwait combined.


How Large is The Internet?

How Large is The Internet?

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