
What You Should Know About Google’s Latest Update


Whether you are just beginning with Internet marketing or already rely on Google for some (or most) of your current site’s traffic, it’s extremely important you know about the recent changes happening with SEO.

As you may have already heard, Google changed the rules…again. It’s nothing new, and it for sure won’t be the last time. They have rolled out parts of this update (code named Panda) since the fall. By all accounts, they are still implementing new aspects of it on a regular basis.

Many sites are just now facing drops in their rankings. Some of my sites, for some keywords, have been affected too. (However, some of my big keywords have actually done better during this update…after all, there are as many winners as losers during each tweak of Google’s search algorithm.)

Of course no one knows (but Google) what all the changes are in the update. But we have a pretty good idea of its main focus. Basically, they are taking a harder look at on page SEO and the overall quality of sites’ pages. Specifically, they are watching more for over-optimization and over-advertising. Too many keywords, too many H1’s, too many bold keywords, too many ads…simply put, just TOO much “SEO” and too much “trying to monetize”.

There has always been much misinformation about SEO. It’s hard for beginners to understand exactly what is required. (hint: there is not much “exact” about any of Internet marketing).

Some of my new students, when they first start my coaching, still think a 5 to 7% keyword density is required (Yeah, there are many 8 year old web pages still proclaiming 7% is good…be careful where you find your info.)  Now days, that high of density will  fire up Google’s wrath.

If you are a current student, BE SURE to review on our member site my recent audios over the past few weeks. I go into great detail about how you should handle on-page SEO now.

Probably the biggest surprise about the Panda update is Google’s new focus on off-page SEO. Yes, they are hammering sites for over optimizing off the page. In other words, they are looking closing at our backlinking methods. They have devalued some of  backlinks they rewarded us for in the past.  I know, it seems really unfair; but Google gets to make the rules remember.

Again, all of my members should spend time listening to the recent info in the member’s area about all this. There are several hours of  new MP3’s in the member’s area where I talk specifically about what you should do now AND stop doing now.

During the member calls in the recent weeks we talked about how it’s more important than ever to keep your links looking as natural as possible. In a nutshell, vary your anchor text greatly. Also, avoid link networks (BuildMyRank has lost all their Google love).

I can’t go into all the details here in an email, but for those non-members out there, my general  advice is to keep your SEO work, both on and off page, as natural looking as possible. Google has always hated too strong of SEO efforts…but they hate it worse now.


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