
Protect Your Family from Cyberbulling


cyber bully

What happens when a child is cyber-bullied? The effects can range from mild depression to dropping out of school and even – in the worst case scenario – suicide. It sounds extreme but it’s happened. There are multiple documented cases of kids committing suicide as a result of being so ridiculed and utterly embarrassed by cyberbullying. It’s not just something that happens to a few kids. One million kids were cyber-bullied in 2011 alone. About 40 percent of children say someone has been cruel to them online at least once. This is now an epidemic, and an epidemic in which prevention starts with parents. Cyber-bullying can take many forms, including exclusion, harassment, denigration and even outright cyberstalking. Today’s parents must know how their children are behaving online, both to prevent them from falling victim to a bully and to prevent them from becoming bullies themselves. Get more facts on cyber-bullying and learn ways to protect your children in the info-graphic below.


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